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About Divya


Divya Mishra is a social scientist, writer, and emergency medicine physician with a passion for working with conflict-affected populations. She received her Bachelor's degree in anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania where she studied how political instability shaped everyday life in Kashmir, with a focus on the experiences of disabled victims of conflict. She went on to earn her PhD in International Health from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, with a concentration in Social and Behavioral Interventions. Her dissertation examined

unaccompanied refugee children's transition to adulthood in Greece. Her work focuses on understanding how socially turbulent environments shape everyday experiences, as it is only by understanding the turbulence that we can hope to create stability.


Dr. Mishra has volunteered with refugee children in Greece since 2016 on the islands of Lesbos and Samos, as well as in Athens. She was the first legal interpreter permitted to work with unaccompanied children in Moria Refugee camp in 2016 and has maintained ties with youth in Greece's refugee communities. She wrote several articles on the experiences of unaccompanied children as a Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting Fellow. She also founded the Terra Firma Integration Program, which draws on her doctoral research to support refugee youth as they transition to adulthood in Athens.  Dr. Mishra's work with refugee youth is supported by the Seeds of Peace GATHER Fellowship. 


Dr. Mishra attended Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College and currently practices emergency medicine at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx.

Learn More


Seeds of Peace Follow the Fellows: Divya Mishra

Looking out for Europe's Unseen Refugees



Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellow:

Divya Mishra


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